MINUTES OF MEETING BRIDGEWALK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Bridgewalk Community Development District was held Monday, October 21, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at the Oasis Club at ChampionsGate at 1520 Oasis Club Blvd., ChampionsGate, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Adam Morgan Chairman Rob Bonin Vice Chairman Brent Kewley Assistant Secretary Lane Register Assistant Secretary Kathryn Farr Assistant Secretary Also present were: George Flint District Manager Kristen Trucco District Counsel Alan Scheerer Field Manager Broc Althafer District Engineer FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Flint called the meeting to order and called the roll. Mr. Flint: We have all five Board members here and we have a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period Mr. Flint: There are no members of the public here to provide comment other than Board and Staff. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the September 16, 2024 Meeting Mr. Flint: Next you have approval of your September 16, 2024, minutes. Any comments or corrections to those? Mr. Morgan: I make a motion to accept. Docusign Envelope ID: 7440F244-A249-402D-8F52-8E49D580EDB9 October 21, 2024 Bridgewalk CDD 2 On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Register with all in favor, the Minutes of the September 16, 2024 Meeting, were approved FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Lighting Services Agreement with OUC for Bridgewalk Phase 2A & 2B Mr. Flint: Item 4 is the Street Lighting Services Agreement with OUC for Phases 2A and 2B. Are there any questions on the agreement? If not, is there a motion to approve it? On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Register with all in favor, the Lighting Services Agreement with OUC for Bridgewalk Phase 2A and 2B, was approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposal from TraceAir to Provide Drone Flyovers, Data Processing and Cloud Software Subscription Services Mr. Flint: I’m not sure we are ready on the TraceAir proposals. We are waiting on the revised agreements to come back from them. I’ve been communicating with Mark and with TraceAir. We had a call on Friday and I’m waiting on revised proposals. I think we need to defer on that. Mr. Morgan: Are they going to lower their prices a little bit? Mr. Flint: That’s what I’m hoping. I got an initial estimate from Mark and when the proposals came in, in most cases they were higher than Mark’s estimates. Mr. Flint: I don’t think there’s any action on that item at this point. The Chair may need to execute that agreement in advance of the next meeting. We’ll just have the Board ratify it. Mr. Morgan: I’ll see Mark tomorrow. I’ll talk to him. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Ms. Trucco: No real updates for the Board since the last Board meeting. The Engineer did provide the private and public future use of map that we need for the expansion petition. We’re still needing the estimated construction timetable and the cost table as well and then we should be nearing being ready to file that petition for the expansion. I’ll follow up with Broc and we’ll work on getting that filed, hopefully, before the next Board week. That’s all I have for you today. Docusign Envelope ID: 7440F244-A249-402D-8F52-8E49D580EDB9 October 21, 2024 Bridgewalk CDD 3 Mr. Kewley: Broc, do you need any help with the budget or the timetable for the expansion of the District? Mr. Althafer: I’ve got some preliminary put together already so I can circulate those to you and make sure we’re on the same page. Mr. Kewley: If you want to send that over to me today, we’ll look at that. Is that the last item you need to be able to submit? Ms. Trucco: I’ll need the legal description in Word, but I can send out an email later today. Mr. Kewley: I’ll text Rick right now and see if he can send over the legal description. Just to be clear, that’s the legal description just for the expanded area, specifically the Spring Head Osceola piece is all you guys need? You don’t need a legal description for the overall new boundary or just the added. Ms. Trucco: We will need that too. But we could potentially add to the existing legal description. We have it in PDF, so just the Word version of it. Mr. Morgan: Yes. I am texting Rick right now. Ms. Trucco: Perfect. We’ll provide an update at the next Board meeting, That’s moving forward and the future public and private use exhibit that Broc sent over looks good. B. Engineer i. Discussion of Pending Plat Conveyance ii. Status of Permit Transfers Mr. Flint: Next is the Engineer’s Report. Broc, anything? Mr. Althafer: Yes, the status of Phase 2C. The construction is nearing completion. I started to receive as-builts and test reports for the storm system. I’ve already received everything for the utility systems, the water reuse and sanitary. All of the utility reports have been submitted to Toho Water Authority for them to begin to review so we can ultimately turn over the improvements to them. I’m still missing a few reports and as-builts on the storm. As soon as I receive those, which I’m anticipating those in the next week or so, I should be able to circulate the reimbursement documentation for the full amount, which I believe is around $2.8 million. I think that’s the amount left in the account. Mr. Kewley: So the only thing you’re missing really right now, Broc, is just as-builts to the storm system. Docusign Envelope ID: 7440F244-A249-402D-8F52-8E49D580EDB9 October 21, 2024 Bridgewalk CDD 4 Mr. Althafer: I’ve received the as-builts. There were some things that were missing, which I’ve requested. CCTV that has not been approved fully yet. So there are just a few outstanding items. Mr. Kewley: All right, so as-builts, some video and then that’s the key thing that’s standing in the way. So at least can we circulate a draft of the reimbursement here by the end of the week? Mr. Althafer: Yeah, I can do that. Mr. Flint: Are you going to want to get that before the end of the month? Mr. Kewley: I’m not necessarily looking for it by the end of this month. I would like to get it in by the end of next month for sure. C. District Manager’s Report i. Approval of Check Register Mr. Flint: you have the check register for the month of September for $37,798.32. The detail is behind the summary. Any questions on the check register? Mr. Morgan: Motion to approve. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Register, with all in favor, the Check Register, was approved. ii. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Mr. Flint: You have the unaudited financials through the end of September and no action required. Are there any questions? As Broc mentioned, you have $2.8 in that Series 2023 construction fund. D. Field Manager’s Report Mr. Flint: Field Manager’s report? Mr. Scheerer: We had a scheduled turnover walk on 10/16 for Phase 1B improvements. There are several trees that were planted too low. There’s some dead plant material out there that needs to be replaced. John Borland with United’s working on all that. There’s also some fence around the dog park needs to be better secured. It’s very loose and sagging. So we went through that I think it went pretty well. We’re very close. As soon as those are done, we’ll go ahead and do a formal takeover of the Phase 1B improvements. There was some sod missing back in the backside next to Phase 2A. I was there on Friday and hat sod was installed, so we’ll see how it fares. Other than that, I think from a hurricane standpoint, we didn’t do too bad there as well. Water Docusign Envelope ID: 7440F244-A249-402D-8F52-8E49D580EDB9 October 21, 2024 Bridgewalk CDD 5 levels up in the in the lake as you know. I know Mark MacDonald, I believe was out there on Saturday, sent me an email, basically telling me that it looks like it only dropped about 2/10 of an inch in a 24-hour period. There was a 12 inch pipe that was taking the water out of that lake, which is to me was kind of small for a 65 acre lake. But they will continue to monitor the lake and he’s asked me to also look at maybe getting the trucks out there to harvest a lot more of the vegetation that we’ve been spraying in and around it and keep it from flopping up and blocking the input, so we’ll be working on that as well. That’s all I have. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business There being no comments, the next item followed. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests There being no comments, the next item followed. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Morgan: I make a motion to adjourn. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Register, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman Docusign Envelope ID: 7440F244-A249-402D-8F52-8E49D580EDB9